Opcom Holdings Berhad is a Malaysia-based investment holding company engaged in the renting of buildings and provision of management services to subsidiaries. The Company operates in three segments: manufacturing, trading and engineering services, and other operations. Manufacturing segment is engaged in the manufacture of fiber optic cables and systems. Trading and engineering services is engaged in providing network and engineering services, and general trading activities of specialty chemicals and related materials. Other operations segment is engaged in management services and investment holding activities. Its subsidiaries include Opcom Cables Sdn Bhd, Opcom Niaga Sdn Bhd and Opcom Shared Services Sdn Bhd. In July 10, 2008, the Company completed the disposal of its entire 100% equity interest in Opcom Network Technologies Sdn Bhd to Lingkaran Senada Sdn Bhd.
I don't really do my research on MESDAQ stocks. Opcom, MESDAQ stock,is recommended to me by my father. I was a bit late when i bought Opcom. By the time i bought Opcom, it already surged 100% within few days. It was because Opcom announced that it just received a huge fiber optic project.
Opcom is a strong fundamental MESDAQ company and it pays good dividend. Because of these reason I started buying Opcom 1000 shares on 24 April 2009 and 7 May 2009 respectively. I also noticed on April 2009 MESDAQ stocks move up a lot. I thought maybe the strong upward momentum (for MESDAQ) could be maintained.
In fact, the strong upward momentum did not managed to be maintained. The upward momentum became soft. It started on move sideway since mid of June 2009. Moving side way was not that bad, during the same period, my portfolio decreased 15-20% in value. It was a blessing in disguise.
I wanted to sell Opcom since last week but i did not. It is because it still did not manage to find replacement for Opcom until today. I sold all my Opcom shares at RM0.70. Including the dividend paid, I manage to gain 15% of profit. It is not a huge gain, but I am happy for this trade too because compared to other stocks in my portfolio, Opcom outperform most of them during June 2009.
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